Dwelling in the teaching about Jesus
You and your classmates will examine core topics that John the Elder touches upon in his second epistle – the immutability of truth, the great command to love one another, the permanence of core Christian teachings, the importance of remaining in the traditional teaching about Jesus and the danger of fellowship with those who profess to teach about Jesus, but spread falsehoods.
And we will do this in the original Greek! As a result, your grasp of Koine Greek will take a leap forward.
You have completed our FOUR PARABLES OF JESUS course (or its equivalent – meaning, you control an active vocabulary of approx. 600 words).
Your knowledge of Greek will move beyond just sentences and paragraphs to following the flow of a single biblical composition in its entirety.
The depth of your understanding of the topics of truth and love in this letter grow from an increased capacity to make connections between the points brought up at different places in the epistle, reading the actual wording in which John the Elder penned it.
By the course’s end, you will be able to:
give correct answers to comprehension questions for 2 John
pose comprehension questions to others
retell the contents of the letter in your own words
describe the main message of 2 John
use portions of the Scriptures in prayer to God
Cost & Duration
We meet weekly, for a two-hour session. Six weeks (12 hours of live instruction).
The cost is just $234.
Learn about the following course, MATTHEW 8…